The magical effect of apples and bananas on health

The English proverb says that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," but scientists have discovered a new equation for fruit consumption and general health.

The magical effect of apples and bananas on health

For a decade, researchers from Yangtze Hospital in Jinzhou, China, followed 2,184 middle-aged men and women with high blood pressure.

The number of apples

It turned out that those who ate 3 to 4 apples a week were 39% less likely to die than those who abstained from eating them, or ate less than one apple a month.

According to the "New York Post", the researchers found that eating a banana (a starchy fruit) 3 to 6 times a week reduces the risk of early death by just under 30%.

As for fruit salad and longevity, the team found that eating each of the two fruits 3 to 6 times a week reduces the risk of death by almost half.

Chronic Diseases

Researchers noted that apples are a great source of fiber, with a medium-sized apple containing about 4.4 grams of fiber.

Apples also contain an impressive amount of phytochemicals, which are plant compounds that help prevent chronic diseases.

Apples contain pectin, which feeds friendly bacteria in the gut.

Apples with dark red or purple skins often have higher levels of antioxidants than those with lighter skins.

A previous study found that women who ate one or more apples a day had a 28% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to those who did not eat any.

Benefits of Bananas

On the other hand, a banana contains 12% of the daily value for vitamin C, 7% of the daily value for riboflavin, 10% of the daily value for potassium, and 8% of the daily value for magnesium.

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

It is also a source of dopamine and catechin, which can prevent the onslaught of oxidative stress that causes aging.

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