Benefits of Indoor Air Purification for Children’s Health

Protects Respiratory Health

New research from Fudan University and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has found that indoor air purification significantly improves respiratory health in school-age children.

Respiratory diseases are among the leading causes of death in children, with exposure to fine particulate matter (FPM) being linked to an increased risk.

Benefits of clean air

While exposure to particulate matter is known to impair respiratory health, the benefits of air purification in children have not been fully explored.

The study involved a group of 79 children aged 10 to 12 years old, to assess the respiratory benefits of air purification.

The intervention involved multi-setting air purification in both classrooms and bedrooms, according to Medical Express.

Each intervention lasted 76 days, separated by an 88-day rest period.

Fine particulate matter

The results showed that children’s exposure to fine particulate matter in the air that was purified decreased by 45%, while outdoors at school, the level of these particles approached the unhealthy level for sensitive groups.

Air purification led to an 8% increase in forced expiratory volume per second, a 16% increase in peak expiratory flow, and a 5% improvement in forced vital capacity.

Exhaled fractional nitric oxide levels decreased by 22% in the group using air purification.

These results indicate the importance of intensifying indoor air purification in areas with high levels of air pollution to protect children’s respiratory health.

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