Video: Israel terrorizes the Lebanese with a deadly weapon

Israel has recently relied on terrorizing the Lebanese by carrying out mock raids and its warplanes breaching the sound barrier throughout the country.

This weapon is deadly and simulates the fear and terror of citizens by creating a loud sound that causes buildings to shake, so the listener believes that an explosion occurred very close to him.

Israel terrorizes the Lebanese with a deadly weapon

The sound barrier or "sound barrier" is a metaphorical use of a term used in the world of aviation, and is known as the force that opposes and resists the movement of an object when the speed of this object reaches the speed at which sound moves. If the sound barrier is broken and exceeded (i.e. moving at a speed greater than the speed of sound), a loud sound will be produced.

To understand more about the nature of the sound barrier and what happens when it is exceeded, we must first define sound and identify its nature, and then talk about the speed of sound and its amount.

Pilots, especially during World War II, were alerted to what physically happens to a high-speed aircraft before and during combat, as pilots would completely lose control of their aircraft as they collided with waves accumulating on the control surfaces.

American Captain Chuck Yeager was the first person to fly an aircraft at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, after volunteering to test a rocket plane (the experimental X-1) to determine the extent of its ability to break the sound barrier.[2] On October 4, 1947, Chuck Yeager flew the plane over Rogers Dry Lake in southern California, after reaching an altitude of 12,192 m using a B-29 that was carrying his plane, and he was able to break the barrier of 1,065.3 km per hour, which was the sound barrier at the altitude he was at at the time, and then he discovered the sound barrier and how to break it.

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