Tips to overcome habits that cause insomnia at night

According to medical reports, 62% of adults around the world suffer from some degree of sleep deprivation, according to the Global Sleep Survey.

In this report, sleep experts provide tips to help you relax in the evening, to fall asleep and overcome insomnia.

Tips to overcome habits that cause insomnia at night

The first of these habits that negatively affect mental health and sleep is avoiding setting personal boundaries. Receiving text messages late in the evening occupies the mind and increases the chances of insomnia.

Among the habits that sleep experts have found to negatively affect sleepiness are self-flagellation and excessive self-accountability, and comparison with others.

Comparison can lead to low self-esteem and enhance feelings of inadequacy, and likewise, constant self-criticism should not undermine self-confidence.

It is recommended to practice a new routine, including reading or listening to calm music, or enjoying watching a comedy that relieves worries.

It is important to make walking and exercise a routine, because an inactive lifestyle negatively affects mood and physical health.

Doing simple physical exercises every day improves your physical and mental health, and helps you sleep without difficulty. It is important to limit your time on social media, and remember that too much information can increase stress and cause anxiety.

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