Natural Treatment for Hot Flashes in Summer

Hot flashes and night sweats are common symptoms of menopause, especially in the summer, which sometimes last for years, and the heat cannot be blamed on it. Some women may prefer to avoid hormonal treatments and resort to natural options, including what this report suggests about coriander tea.

According to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine website, about 75% of women in menopause experience hot flashes, and the symptoms last for two years for 80% of them.

Natural Treatment for Hot Flashes in Summer

In a recent report, Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savalia, a traditional Ayurvedic practitioner, recommends coriander water for a variety of heat-related concerns in the body, including premenstrual syndrome, acidity, migraines and night sweats.

According to NDTV Food, Dr. Savalia has seen the positive effect of this herbal drink on her patients.

Savalia suggests enjoying cilantro water throughout the day, whether it’s first thing in the morning to kick-start your metabolism, or 45 minutes before or after meals to aid digestion.

The recommendation is to drink two cups of cilantro water daily, on a regular basis, for optimal results.

A 100-gram serving of cilantro provides 70 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement, and its leaves also contain vitamin C, fiber, iron, manganese, calcium, and phosphorus—a great combination for bone health.

But cilantro isn’t just about vitamins and minerals; it’s a wonderful herb packed with 11 essential oils, which can help improve hot flashes.

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