Study: Eating vegetable oils protects against serious diseases

A recent German study found that replacing butter or animal fats with healthy vegetable fats positively affects the composition of blood fats.

Eating vegetable oils protects against serious diseases

The study experiment showed that eating healthy vegetable fats instead of butter reduces the risk of heart disease by 32%, and type 2 diabetes by 26%.

Vegetable and animal fats

According to "Medical News Today", 195 people participated in the 16-week experiment, after dividing them into 3 groups.

During the experiment, one group consumed a higher percentage of saturated animal fats, while the other two groups consumed a diet containing a higher percentage of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated vegetable fats.

Prevention of serious diseases

At the end of the experiment, the research team from the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam compared the results of the participants' blood tests and data from another study on the effect of fat quality on nutrition.

The researchers found that those whose diet included more beneficial fats were less likely to develop metabolic heart disease than those who did not.

In addition to butter, foods such as hot dogs, burgers, and cheese contain saturated animal fats, while the list of healthy vegetable oils includes olive oil, avocados, grape seeds, and peanuts.

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