Serious diseases caused by trans fats!

The German Professional Association of Internal Medicine has warned of the danger of trans fats to health, as they increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Serious diseases caused by trans fats!

The association explained that trans fats are artificially hydrogenated fats that the body cannot process, and they are created during the hydrogenation of oils to produce margarine, bread and spreadable fats, as well as when heating and frying oils, which contain a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids.

The danger of trans fats

The association added that trans fats are considered more harmful than saturated fatty acids, noting that manufacturers and restaurants use hydrogenated fats because they are cheaper than other types of fats, last longer and can be reused more often.

This includes in particular baked goods made from pastries and pies, and the content of trans fats is higher than average in potato chips, croissants, margarine, fast food products and spreadable fatty materials.

In addition, trans fats are used to produce French fries, pizza, dry soups and ready meals.

Bad cholesterol level

The danger of trans fats lies in the fact that they raise the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), which increases the risk of blockage of coronary and cerebral vessels, and thus the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Therefore, foods containing trans fats should be consumed in moderation only, and should not be a regular part of the daily menu.

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